Staff development opportunities available through Staff Representative Group

If you have a professional development opportunity in mind, SRG can help! Simply submit a one-page application explaining the development opportunity and how it pertains to your position. Funding is approved on a first-come, first-served basis and is capped at $500 per staff member. For staff members who previously applied for funding this year and received less than the $500 allocation, you may now apply for additional funding up to, but not exceeding, the $500 limit.

There are many professional development opportunities available at UGA. Some that require funding and some that do not. Take a look at the HR Training and Development and UGA Center for Continuing Education websites.

To apply for funding, complete the online request and submit it to

Katie Kandalec

in Aderhold Hall Room G10B at least three weeks in advance of the professional development activity if possible.

Notification of award:

All requests should receive a response as to whether funding for the professional development will be allocated and the amount of support within a week of the receipt of the application. The staff development review committee is made up entirely of COE staff. A committee review member will be excused from giving a recommendation on funding requests for staff from their department. Funds will be transferred to the staff member’s department so the expenses can be processed in the home unit.

Any questions regarding staff development allocations should be directed to

Katie Kandalec

at 706-542-4558.

******Sorry, but OIT and Student Services staff are not eligible because they have their own training budgets.