National Science Foundation: Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program

Synopsis of program:

The National Science Foundation’s Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program seeks to encourage talented science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors and professionals to become K-12 STEM teachers. The program invites creative and innovative proposals that address the critical need for recruiting and preparing highly effective K-12 STEM teachers, especially in high-need local educational agencies. The program offers four tracks:

  • Track 1: The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarships and Stipends
  • Track 2: The NSF Teaching Fellowships
  • Track 3: The NSF Master Teaching Fellowships
  • Track 4: Noyce Research

In addition, Capacity Building proposals are accepted from proposers intending to develop a future 1, 2, or 3 track proposal.

Program Solicitation

Important information and revision notes:

  • Track 1: Scholarships & Stipends and Track 2: Teaching Fellowships must now address how they will specifically prepare Noyce scholarship and fellowship recipients to teach in high-need local educational agencies.

  • Track 1: Scholarships & Stipends, Track 2: Teaching Fellowships, and Track 3: Master Teaching Fellowships allow for the continued opportunity for institutions that have previously received funding support from Noyce to submit proposals and delineates associated expectations for such proposals. Phases have been eliminated.

  • Track 1: Scholarships & Stipends, Track 2: Teaching Fellowships, and Track 3: Master Teaching Fellowships include greater specificity regarding institutional and recipient obligations for projects.

  • Track 3: Master Teaching Fellowships now includes mathematics and science teachers who possess a bachelor’s degree in their field, as well as teachers who possess a master’s degree.

  • Track 4: Noyce Research now emphasizes the specific issue of STEM teacher effectiveness, persistence, and retention in high-need local educational agencies.

Deadline: Tuesday, Sept. 6

Please notify Grace Thornton or

Kim Wright

if you are interested in pursuing this funding opportunity.