Diversity Speaker Series featuring Chris Linder

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Examining “Women’s Issues” Through an Intersectional Lens: Considering a Both/And Approach
Presenter: Chris Linder

  • Tuesday, March 14
  • Noon-1p.m.
  • Aderhold Hall Room G23

Sexism still runs rampant in mainstream U.S. institutions, including education. However, traditional strategies for addressing “women’s issues” have been less than effective because they often do not include multiple perspectives or experiences. How do we approach sexism from an intersectional place, ensuring that multiple perspectives and voices are considered in resistance movements? What is the relationship between sexism, cissexism, racism, classism, and ableism? In this session, Linder explores these questions through specific examples of inclusive feminist resistance and dialogue among people in attendance.

Linder is an assistant professor of college student affairs administration at UGA. Prior to becoming faculty, she worked as a student affairs educator and administrator for 10 years, spending the majority of her career as director of a campus-based women’s center. Linder’s research interests include activist identity development and creating and maintaining equitable campus environments, specifically focused on race and gender.