Thursday! Staff Representative Group Lunch & Learn: College of Education FLSA policies, procedures

Join us noon-1 p.m. on Thursday, March 23, in Aderhold Hall Room 418 for the next Staff Representative Group lunch and learn presentation.

Sige Burden, senior director of faculty and staff relations for the UGA Office of Human Resources, along with the College’s Andy Garber and Denise Spangler, will discuss policies and procedures surrounding the implementation of FLSA.

Have a question about the College of Education’s implementation of FLSA? Submit it anonymously using our survey. You may take the survey as many times as you wish. If you are unable to attend the presentation, you will be able to view it online and click on “live now” video near the top of the page.

For more information on the SRG Lunch and Learn,

email Liz Phillips
