Join us for the Exploring White Privilege group

In conversations about race and racism, well-intended white folks often feel stumped. They want to contribute, yet feel like it’s not “their place” to talk about race since they don’t experience racism. However, they also know that silence is a privilege.

Finding the balance between not centering or taking up too much space and not remaining silent in racial discussions challenges a lot of white people who want to contribute to addressing racism. This group is for people who identify as white who want to examine white privilege to better understand white folks’ roles in addressing race and racism without taking over.

What: Exploring White Privilege
When: Noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 4
Where: Aderhold Hall Room G9

The group will meet regularly and topics will vary depending on the needs of the group. Facilitators will vary, depending on the topic for the week. The initial gathering will be facilitated by Chris Linder, faculty in the College Student Affairs Administration program. Faculty, staff, and students are all welcome to attend.

Please join us at noon on Wednesday, Oct. 4, in G9 for our first meeting. If you are interested but cannot make the first meeting, please

email Briana Bivens

to get on the mailing list for future meetings.