DEI Speaker Series: Identity and power-conscious approaches to addressing sexual violence on college campuses

Date: Oct. 24
Time: Noon-1 p.m.
Location: Aderhold Hall Room G23

Chris Linder{.image_right .max_width_30}

Thanks to student activists, the problem of sexual violence on college campuses has gained increased attention from media, policy-makers, and campus administrators over the past several years. Unfortunately, much of this attention centers around the experiences of cisgender, heterosexual white middle-class women, failing to account for the ways sexual violence impacts women of color, queer and trans people, men, and people with disabilities. Additionally, most sexual violence response focuses on potential (women) victims, which results in the invisibility and lack of accountability of perpetrators.

In this session, we will examine campus sexual violence through a historical and power-conscious lens, examining potential strategies for addressing campus sexual violence from a more comprehensive perspective.