CCSD revises research proposal protocol; workshop is Monday

The Clarke County School District has updated its research proposal submission guidance document. Proposals will now be submitted through an online system.

Faculty and students who have not previously attended the workshop must attend once before submitting a proposal. Previous attendees are also invited to attend this workshop to learn what is new.

CCSD-UGA Proposal Workshop

  • 4-5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 5
  • Aderhold Hall Room G10A

For more information or to RSVP, contact Grace Thornton in the

Office of Research and Graduate Education


Faculty and students who have previously attended the CCSD-UGA proposal workshop should review the new guidelines. In a Word document, respond to each of the required components found on page 5 or 6 (note character limitations), and email

Grace Thornton

for review and comment (students should have their advisors review and notify Grace that the proposal template is ready for review). Attachments should be packaged and sent for review as well.