Apply for Experiential Learning Innovation grants

In keeping with the report of the President’s Task Force on Student Learning and Success, the Experiential Learning Innovation grants will support “opportunities to further enhance the educational experience for our students—inside and outside the classroom.”

EL Innovation Grants are intended to support faculty members and non-credit activity directors (faculty or staff) in developing innovative and new experiential learning courses and non-credit activities for undergraduate students at the University of Georgia.

Grants will support program development between April 1 and July 31 and into the fall semester as appropriate. Programs should be offered to students beginning in the 2018-19 academic year.

The EL Office will facilitate the submission of the newly created course(s) or non-credit activity to the University Curriculum Committee for approval for inclusion in the EL Requirement and/or EL Transcript.

Successful proposals will demonstrate the following criteria:

  • Alignment of proposed program objectives with the EL Learning Outcomes
  • A plan for sustainability of the program, beyond the initial funding provided through the EL Innovation Grant
  • Some element of cost-sharing from the sponsoring unit

Priority will be given to proposals that:

  • Go beyond or redefine well-understood modes of EL (e.g., study abroad, service-learning, faculty-mentored research, and internships; new modes may involve one or more of those elements, but may also include project-based learning or other innovations that lie outside of established categories)
  • Have the potential to serve large numbers of students
  • Address gaps in existing EL offerings (e.g., underserved disciplines, student populations, or community/industry opportunities)

Please indicate your (or your team’s) interest in applying with a brief email or phone inquiry to

Dr. Linda P. Bachman

, director of University Experiential Learning, 706-542-2177, to consult on the general outlines and potential scale of the funding request. Proposals will be considered on a rolling basis, until the available funding is fully awarded.

Full proposals will consist of a one- to two-page document describing the course or activity, how the requested funding will support experiential learning outcomes for student participants, a one-page budget overview indicating how funds will be used and any other sources of funding that are supporting the project and/or will sustain it beyond the grant period. Proposals should be signed by the project leader(s) as well as the deans, associate provosts, or vice presidents of their respective colleges/units.