Register for the spring ITT Academy by Feb. 5
Please register for the spring Innovation in Teaching and Technology (ITT) Academy by Tuesday, Feb. 5.
ITT accepts both faculty and graduate teaching assistants, and this semester we will provide two academy tracks. Track one is “Now +1 in Education: Augmented Reality” and Track two is “Your Online Course: From Good to Great.” The purpose of ITT is to provide support to enhance teaching through innovative instructional strategies and technology.
About the academies
“Now +1 in Education: Augmented Reality”:
NASA uses the concept N+1 to describe their research on future aircraft designs. In that spirit, this academy will explore some of the N+1 emerging technologies in education with a focus on augmented reality.
These ITT Academy sessions will take place 10 a.m.–1 p.m. in Aderhold Hall Room 412 on the following Fridays: Feb. 15, March 1, March 29, and April 5.
Your Online Course: From Good to Great:
Are you finding it difficult to transfer your teaching gifts and talents from your face-to-face courses to online environments? Do you see gaps in learner experience because of different course delivery opportunities? Do you sometimes feel like you’re a different teacher in an online setting? Attendees in this track will explore ways to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of online learners, to build community in online settings, and how to establish a work/life balance while teaching online. Novice and experienced online instructors are welcome.
This track features:
- Exploration of technology tools to support course development and delivery including, but not limited to, eLC
- Guest speakers from the College with experience teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in synchronous, asynchronous, and blended settings
- Many opportunities for participants to share their own experiences, challenges, and solutions
These ITT Academy sessions will take place 10 a.m.-1 p.m. in Aderhold Hall on the following Wednesdays: Feb. 6, Feb. 20, March 6, and March 20.
Each academy track is limited to 10 participants with priority to faculty and programmatic diversity. Faculty budgeted for at least 50 percent instruction will also receive a stipend of $500 (to be used for travel, materials, etc.). Participants who successfully complete the ITT Academy will be expected to attend and present at the 2019 College of Education Innovation in Teaching Conference sponsored by the College of Education.
To apply, simply
send an email to Nic Holt
with the following information:
- Name and rank/position
- Department/program
- Confirmation that you are budgeted for at least 50 percent instruction to receive the $500 stipend (faculty only)
- Confirmation of your intent to attend all of the scheduled ITT Academy sessions
- Confirmation of your intent to present at the 2019 Innovation in Teaching Conference
The call for applications will remain open through Tuesday, Feb. 5.