NSF announces funding opportunities to improve STEM teaching and learning for persons with disabilities
The National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) has announced its intention to support fundamental research on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning for persons with disabilities, such as dyslexia or autism. NSF intends to foster the development of fundamental knowledge in STEM teaching and learning for persons with disabilities in both formal and informal contexts, from the earliest developmental stages of life through participation in the workforce.
This notification identifies opportunities for such research and development through the following programs:
- EHR Core Research (ECR): STEM Learning and Learning Environments, Broadening Participation, and Workforce Development (NSF 19-508)
- Discovery Research PreK-12 (NSF 17-584)
- Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources (NSF 17-590)
- Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) (NSF 17-537)
NSF invites proposals focused explicitly on advancing knowledge about STEM teaching, learning, and workforce development for individuals with disabilities. Research in disabilities education includes fundamental research about learners (of all ages) with disabilities, with a particular focus on efforts to understand and address disability-based differences in STEM teaching and learning and workforce preparation and participation. Proposers are encouraged to explore a wide range of fundamental and applied research and development projects. See the full NSF letter for more details and program contacts.
Office of Research and Graduate Education
will be pleased to assist you if you would like to pursue any of these funding opportunities.