Attend the 36th annual Marriage and Family Therapy Institute Conference!

  • Date: Friday, Feb. 28
  • Time: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • Location: Tate Center Grant Hall
  • Speaker: Harry Aponte

Marriage and Family Therapy Institute flier

Harry Aponte, MSW, LCSW, LMFT, will host “The Person of the Therapist Training (POTT) Model,” in which he will discuss ethics related to the POTT model throughout the Institute. Aponte is a family therapist known for his writings and workshops on the person of the therapist, spirituality in therapy, therapy with disadvantaged and culturally diverse families, and structural family therapy.

Attendees must pre-register online. Early bird registration comes with a reduced rate.

Please send any questions or meal requirements to the Marriage and Family Therapy Institute.