Kudos: Flint to receive qualitative research award from AERA

Maureen Flint, an assistant professor in the Department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy, will receive the Qualitative Research SIG’s Dissertation Award from the American Educational Research Association in April for her research, which seeks to reduce inequality and injustice in schools and society.

Her dissertation, “Methodological Orientations: Exploring College Student Navigations of Race and Place in Higher Education,” explores questions of belongingness and the socio-historical context of race on campus.

“Receiving the award emphasizes the continued relevance of the questions asked through the project, including what is a university’s responsibility to grapple with their legacy of enslavement and how do histories of racism and inequity continue to matter in our present engagements with place,” said Flint. “These questions are ones that matter not only for the university where the study took place, but across the spectrum of education and receiving the award emphasizes this.”

Read the full story on our website.