Upcoming promotion and tenure workshops
Promotion and tenure procedures/dossier workshops will be held in March and April. These workshops will provide instructions on the assembly of tenure-track and clinical promotion and tenure dossiers, as well as tips for avoiding problems that weaken dossiers. Edward Delgado-Romero, associate dean for faculty and staff services, will lead the following workshops:
Associate Professors: Road to Full Professor
- Tuesday, March 24, 3-4 p.m., Aderhold Hall Room G23
Assistant Professors: Road to Promotion and Tenure
- Tuesday, March 31, 2-3 p.m., Aderhold Hall Room G23
- Tuesday, April 7, 11 a.m.-noon, River’s Crossing Room 316
Career Track Faculty: Road to Promotion
- Tuesday, March 31, 11 a.m.-noon, Ramsey Student Center Room 215
- Tuesday, April 7, 3-4 p.m., Aderhold Hall Room G23
These workshops will provide tips for navigating the guidelines for appointment, promotion, and tenure and will include an overview of important time-points prior to and during the application process. Staff who assemble dossiers and PTU heads are encouraged to attend as well.
Registration is not required, however, please send an email to Takenya Moore with the session, date, and time you plan to attend. Use the subject line “Promotion and Tenure Workshop”.