Reminder: Add yourself to degree and concentration webpages
Last September, the web team introduced a few changes to the College’s website, including the ability to add specific faculty and staff members to degree and concentration pages (they previously only linked to the full department directory). With these new features, the faculty and staff sections of these pages are much more accurate, but we need your help to make sure they are up to date.
Please make sure to add your profile to the webpages of your affiliated concentrations and degree programs (you can also find a list of your department’s concentration and degree programs on the department homepage).
To add yourself, just log in to edit your profile and scroll down to the “Your Research and Courses” section. Select the appropriate concentrations and degree programs from the dropdown menus and click save. Note that the programs are listed alphabetically, but if you search in the dropdown menu field, it should bring up what you’re looking for. Within a few hours of saving, your profile will automatically appear on the selected degree and concentration pages.