Upload fall 2020 syllabi information to Syllabus System
Faculty, please enter your syllabi information for fall 2020 into the Syllabus System. Instructions for entering syllabus information are available on the front page of the website. All faculty members have access to the system and should be able to log in. Staff members who have never logged into the system will need to be added as users. Please send their names and UGA MyIDs to Paree P. Shedd and we will make sure they are added to the system.
The syllabus policy includes required elements for online course syllabi that reflect minimal best practices for online learning. With greater dependence and use of online instructional components in all courses, these elements should be included in all course syllabi:
- Instructor name
- Instructor accessibility to students: Email address, telephone number, when the instructor will be available online, how frequently the instructor will respond to email from students
- Principal course assignments: Specify how assignments should be submitted and in what format, as well as how the course will function and what will be expected of the student
- Specific course requirements for grading purposes: Written and oral tests and reports, research papers, performances or other similar requirements, if any
- Participation policy: Specify the participation policy for the course and state whether the course will be asynchronous, synchronous, or a combination. If there are specific requirements for online participation, these should be stated. If online participation is to be weighted for the final grade, the syllabus should state what the weight or course points will be.
- Required course material, including texts: Include technology requirements (e.g., specifications needed for laptop/computer/tablet; list of required software or online platforms and sources; links to instructions or tutorials on the use of software/platforms) and required technical competence
- Exam policy/policy for make-up examinations: Specify how exams will be administered and how the identity of the student will be verified for exam purposes
It is also highly recommended that faculty provide sufficient detail regarding communication requirements (e.g., all communication will be via eLC, required use of Zoom, need for students to create videos with Kaltura).
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar or call 706-542-6358.