Time and labor: Early biweekly payroll deadline

Due to the Labor Day holiday, the 09B1 payroll will have a time and absence approval deadline of Friday, Sept. 4 at 10 a.m. All absences must be entered and approved by this time. Any unapproved time and absences will be batch approved.

Timesheets will not be locked on Friday, as we will still be in the current pay period. Even though timesheets will be unlocked, updates to absences after Friday, Sept. 4 at 10 a.m. will not be picked up until the following payroll cycle.

For pay from schedule/manual time, time should be estimated for Friday, Sept. 4, and Saturday, Sept. 5.​ For Kaba and Web Clock entries, employees can continue to clock in/out when they report to work​. The Time and Labor Reconciliation Report will be available on Friday afternoon​, and an alert will be sent via the time and absence listserv when the report is available. Timesheets will then be locked on Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 10 a.m.​