Congratulations to newly promoted faculty members!
Please join the Mary Frances Early College of Education in congratulating our colleagues on their successful promotion and/or tenure reviews. Their promotions will be effective in August. Thank you to all the faculty, staff, and administrators involved in this important process.
**Promotion to associate professor with tenure**
* Usree Bhattacharya, language and literacy education
* Jaime M. Diamond, mathematics and science education
* Logan Fiorella, educational psychology
* Sycarah Fisher, educational psychology
* Caleb Han, lifelong education, administration, and policy
* Robert C. Lynall, kinesiology
* Sherell A. McArthur, educational theory and practice
* Steven H. Salaga, kinesiology
* Jill E. Stefaniak, career and information studies
* Shiyu Wang, educational psychology
**Promotion to clinical associate professor**
* Kelly W. Edenfield, mathematics and science education
* Morgan Faison, educational theory and practice
* Jill A. Manners, kinesiology
* H. George McMahon, counseling and human development services
* Laura R. Nichols, communication sciences and special education
**Promotion to clinical professor**
* Beth D. Tolley, educational theory and practice
**Promotion to professor**
* Thomas A. Baker, kinesiology
* Kristen Bub, educational psychology
* Jori N. Hall, lifelong education, administration, and policy
* John M. Mativo, career and information studies
* Joel E. Ringdahl, communication sciences and special education
Also, thank you to the following committee members for their service and dedication: Rob Branch, Jenny Brown, Linda Campbell, Bud Cooper, Cynthia B. Dillard, Brian Dotts, Tarek Grantham, Ruth Harman, Ashley Harrison, Janette Hill, Holly Kaplan, Kathy Thompson, Deborah Tippins, Lou Tolosa-Casadont, Sally Zepeda, and James Zhang.