Watch party for 'An Education in Georgia: Looking Toward the Future' on Feb. 25
- Date: Thursday, Feb. 25
- Time: 4 p.m.
- Location: Aderhold Hall Room G5
- Register today
You are invited to join fellow Mary Frances Early College of Education students, staff, and faculty to watch “Closing Event: An Education in Georgia: Looking Toward the Future” at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 25 in Aderhold Hall. All COVID-19 protocols for social distancing and mask-wearing will be followed.
To wrap up the campus-wide reading event for “Closing Event: An Education in Georgia: Looking Toward the Future” (UGA Press), Mary Frances Early, music educator, writer, and the first African American student to graduate from UGA and Phaidra Buchanan, a College senior majoring in social studies education and minoring in German and UGA’s first African American Rhodes Scholar, will be in conversation with moderator Cynthia Dillard, Mary Frances Early Endowed Professor of Teacher Education at the College, to discuss the past, present, and future of a desegregated UGA.