Faculty learning opportunities available in March
In March, UGA Faculty Affairs will provide workshops on mentoring, promotion and tenure, and best practices for search committees. All sessions will be held via Zoom this fall. Login information for these webinars will be shared to participants after they register via UGA’s Professional Education Portal.
Orientation to University Operations
- Friday, March 26; 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
This virtual, interactive event introduces early-career faculty to core university functions and broader institutional operations, offering perspective beyond their departments, school, or college. This event is part of Keys to UGA: New Faculty Academy, but faculty and staff of all career stages are welcome.
Promotion and Tenure Dossier
- Tuesday, March 30; 9-11 a.m.
This workshop will provide instructions on the assembly of promotion and tenure dossiers and tips for avoiding problems that weaken dossiers. Staff who assemble dossiers, department heads, and tenure track and clinical faculty who are preparing dossiers for a full review in the fall are encouraged to attend if they are unfamiliar with these procedures.