Promotion and tenure workshop dates

Held in March, promotion and tenure procedures/dossier workshops will provide instructions on the assembly of tenure-track and clinical promotion and tenure dossiers, as well as tips for avoiding problems that weaken dossiers. Edward Delgado-Romero, associate dean for faculty and staff services, will lead all workshops.

**Associate Professors: Road to Full Professor**
* Monday, March 15
* 3-4 p.m.
* Zoom

**Assistant Professors: Road to Promotion and Tenure**
* Tuesday, March 23 and Wednesday, March 31
* 11 a.m.-noon
* Zoom

**Career Track Faculty: Road to Promotion**
* Tuesday, March 23 and Wednesday, March 31
* 3-4 p.m.
* Zoom

These workshops will provide tips for navigating the guidelines for appointment, promotion, and tenure and will include an overview of important time-points prior to and during the application process. Staff who assemble dossiers and promotion and tenure unit heads are encouraged to attend as well.

Registration is not required, however, please [send an email to the Office of Faculty and Staff Services]( with the session, date, and time you plan to attend using the subject line “Promotion and Tenure Workshop.”