William T. Grant Institutional Challenge Grant application due Sept. 14

The William T. Grant Foundation recently announced the 2021 Institutional Challenge Grant that encourages university-based research institutes, schools, and centers to build sustained research-practice partnerships with public agencies or nonprofit organizations to reduce inequality in youth outcomes.

To do so, research institutions will need to shift their policies and practices to value collaborative research. They will also need to build the capacity of researchers to produce relevant work and the capacity of agency and nonprofit partners to use research.

Applications are welcome from partnerships in youth-serving areas such as education, justice, child welfare, mental health, immigration, and workforce development. The Foundation especially encourages proposals from teams with African American, Latinx, Native American, and Asian American members in leadership roles. The partnership leadership team includes the principal investigator from the research institution and the lead from the public agency or nonprofit organization. Potential applicants can view detailed instructions and resources on the program webpage.

Please contact the Office of Research and Graduate Education pre-award team if you are interested in pursuing this funding opportunity.