Exploring white privilege with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

* **Date:** Tuesday, Sept. 28
* **Time:** Noon-1 p.m.
* **[Register today](https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0kceuvrzkqE9OLiWe-2tDlBVLg0bV5YrRk)**
* **Facilitators:** Chris Mojock, clinical associate professor, Department of Kinesiology and Beth Wurzburg, clinical assistant professor, Department of Educational Theory and Practice

In conversations about race and racism, well-intended white folks often feel stumped. They want to contribute, yet feel like it’s not “their place” to talk about race since they don’t experience racism. However, they also know that silence is a privilege.

Finding the balance between not centering or taking up too much space and not remaining silent in racial discussions challenges a lot of white people who want to contribute to addressing racism. This group is for people who identify as white and who want to examine white privilege to better understand white folks’ roles in addressing race and racism without taking over.

Students, faculty, and staff are invited to join the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in this conversation. Meetings will occur on the fourth Thursday of every month through the spring 2021 semester. Participants will engage with Janet Helms’ white racial identity development model to build capacity around understanding privilege and oppression and learning strategies to intervene.

Please [email the DEI Office](mailto:coedei@uga.edu) to sign up for the “Exploring White Privilege” listserv, so you can stay connected with the most up-to-date meeting schedule and registration links over the course of the semester.