Update emergency contact information, sign up for electronic W-2 by Dec. 31

Each year, it’s important for a variety of reasons to verify your information in OneUSG Connect, including your address (home), contact details (preferred phone numbers), emergency contacts, and electronic W-2 consent.

In addition, disability and veteran status self-identifications are requested by the Equal Opportunity Office for compliance purposes and will NOT be used for any other purposes. All employees are encouraged to update their emergency contact information, as well as any personal telephone or address updates.

Immediate supervisors will have access to this information in case of an emergency. To update your information, log into OneUSG Connect and select the “Personal Details” tab under “Employee Self-Service”. On this page, you have the option to update your emergency contact, as well as personal and work contact information.

Also, employees can sign up to receive an electronic W-2 by selecting “Taxes” via the “Payroll” menu. Additional information on navigating and updating your electronic W-2 setup can be found in the OneSource Training Library.