Attend NSTA/ASTE science education webinar/seminar on April 14

Building Tomorrow’s Science Teachers: New Directions for Science Leaders, Researchers, and Educators

  • Date: Thursday, April 14
  • Time: 8-9 p.m.
  • Location: Zoom (register today)

Leaders in science teacher education, including Julie A. Luft, Athletic Association Professor of Science Education and Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education, will share the latest syntheses of research on preparing elementary and secondary science teachers and cultivating science teacher leadership in this free web seminar.

Presenters are authors of chapters in the forthcoming handbook co-edited by Luft titled “The Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education,” which offers a contemporary and thorough review of research relating directly to the preparation, induction, and career-long professional learning of K–12 science teachers.