Kudos: Professors win 2022 SPE Outstanding Book Award; doctoral students win first-place GPA poster award

Roulston and deMarrais receive 2022 SPE Outstanding Book Award

Professor Kathryn Roulston and professor and associate department head Kathleen deMarrais in the College’s Department of Lifelong Education, Administration and Policy, received a 2022 Outstanding Book Award from the Society of Professors of Education.

Roulston and deMarrais co-authored the book titled “Exploring the Archives: A Beginner’s Guide for Qualitative Researchers.”

View the full list of winners on the SPE website.

Four doctoral students win first-place poster award at GPA Annual Conference

Amanda Shannon (Ph.D. ’24), Alexina Pilo (Ph.D. ’24), Lucia Quezada (Ph.D. ’24), and Jocelyn Jimenez-Ruiz (B.S. ’19, Ph.D. ’24), four doctoral students in the College’s counseling psychology program, won first place for their poster at the Georgia Psychological Association Annual Conference.

“It is an honor to represent the ¡BIENESTAR! research and service team with a graduate student poster presentation at the Georgia Psychological Association’s Annual Conference, and it is even more meaningful to win the first-place award,” Shannon said.

Read the full story on our website.