Kudos: New book fosters cultural resilience, strength in Latinx community

A new book by associate dean for faculty and staff services Edward Delgado-Romero aims to inspire a new generation of mental health researchers and practitioners to engage with Latinx communities in culturally and linguistically appropriate ways.

“This book was created to honor the collective work of many people and to identify the directions that mental health professionals need to pursue to provide truly culturally competent services to the Latinx community,” said Delgado-Romero. “It is a testament to the work and evolving expertise of several generations of UGA students who were willing to focus their research, clinical work, and outreach to serve the Latinx community.”

“Latinx Mental Health: From Surviving to Thriving” is a culmination of 17 years of work by Delgado-Romero, as well as 30 authors affiliated with UGA, including professors from the School of Law and the School of Social Work, and more than 20 graduate students and alumni of the College’s counseling psychology and clinical psychology programs.

Read the full story on our website.