Media mention: Dumas quoted in Government Technology; Jones, doctoral student write op-ed in AJC

Dumas quoted in Government Technology

Denis Dumas, an associate professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, was quoted by Government Technology on his research assessing student creativity through AI.

The article highlights a recent study from Dumas and researchers from the University of Denver and University of North Texas, where they rated student responses to a creativity assessment.

Read the full story on Government Technology’s website.

Jones, doctoral student write op-ed in AJC

Stephanie Jones, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, and doctoral student Melissa Kurtz wrote an op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution about the first known Georgia teacher, Katie Rinderle, to be terminated under the “divisive concepts” law in Georgia. They argue that the text of the law actually affirms and protects Rinderle’s use of the children’s picture book, “My Shadow is Purple.”

Read the full op-ed on the AJC’s website.