Feature: A global look at sports medicine

This past summer, the Mary Frances Early College of Education’s study abroad program in Taiwan celebrated its 15-year anniversary.

The program launched in 2008 in collaboration with National Taiwan Sport University (NTSU) in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Since then, 185 undergraduate and graduate students from 62 colleges and universities—including UGA—have participated in the program designed for athletic training and exercise science students.

“When UGA students go on the Taiwan trip, it’s not only a unique experience, but they also get to interact with students from other universities studying to be athletic trainers,” said clinical professor Bud Cooper, who oversees the program and is also a clinical education coordinator for the College’s master’s program in athletic training. “They also get to interact with NTSU students, so both student groups can talk about traditional Chinese medicine and interventions when treating athletes.”

Read the full story on our website.