Be scentsible this season

Scented candles, sprays, plug-ins, and all things cozy draw near as the fall season progresses. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Due to their potential to create fire hazards, open flame devices are not permitted.
  • Be mindful of others that are sensitive to fragrance or have medical conditions that can be triggered by scents.
  • Limit the amount of time used. Plug-ins, and candle warmers are designed for larger spaces than most offices. Use them for 15-20 minutes max at a time.
  • Close your door to limit the scent disbursement.

If you have and use a space heater or other warming device:

  • Check for frayed cords
  • Be mindful of their proximity to plastic or paper
  • Turn them off when you are not actively in your space