From the Dean: University Council Executive Committee action on proposal from Faculty Affairs Committee

The Executive Committee of the University Council considered a proposal regarding revisions to the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Guidelines for tenure-track faculty at its Jan. 31 meeting. This proposal, among other things, limited the role of the department head in personnel processes, including hiring, promotion, third-year review, and annual review, if the department head is not a tenured professor. Upon reviewing this item in the Executive Committee agenda that was shared via ArchNews, multiple individuals and groups in our College raised concerns, and this proposal was the topic of sustained conversation at the Leadership Council meting on Jan. 24.

As a member of the Executive Committee, Laura Bierema, a professor in the Department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy, prepared a statement for the Executive Committee meeting. The Provost also invited feedback from deans, which I provided. The Executive Committee voted unanimously to return the proposal to the Faculty Affairs Committee. I am grateful for Laura’s willingness to speak on this issue and for the decision of the Executive Committee. Faculty Senate discussed this matter at its Feb. 1 meeting, and our representatives to the Faculty Affairs Committee will keep us updated as the proposal is revised.

Denise Spangler