Administrative review of Dean Denise Spangler: Faculty and staff survey invitations

  • Survey deadline: Friday, March 22

Good morning,

I am chair of the committee reviewing Dean Denise Spangler of the Mary Frances Early College of Education as part of UGA’s routine administrator review process. This review complies with the University Statutes and Board of Regents policies. The purpose of the review is to assess Dean Spangler’s performance over the past five years, highlight her accomplishments, and as relevant, make any recommendations to improve her leadership and administration of the Mary Frances Early College of Education.

The committee welcomes your input via the confidential feedback surveys linked below. Your response will remain confidential*. Survey responses will be compiled with no identifying information by Katie Chapman in the Office of Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness and shared with the review committee, which is charged with conducting a thorough review of the dean and her leadership and presenting their findings to the provost.

The feedback surveys will close on Friday, March 22. Thank you in advance for your responses. There will be opportunities to participate in focus groups in the coming weeks.


Philip Hong
Dean, School of Social Work

*The Office of Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness (OAIE) is responsible for administering the surveys and ensuring the anonymity of respondents. OAIE will compile the responses into a report for the review team with only the questions and responses and no identifying information. The survey responses are for the use of the review team only to guide their review and report writing. No direct quotes or identifying information will be used in the report or group meetings. No administrators will see the individual survey responses.