From the Dean: Provost memo regarding department heads

Per the attached memo, the Provost will not approve any new appointments of non-tenured faculty members into department head roles “except in special circumstances,” such as the new School of Medicine. The decision was based on the extensive involvement of department heads in personnel matters (e.g., appointment, third-year review, promotion, post-tenure review) and the views of some that only tenured faculty are in a position to lead and support these processes. Department heads currently in office are not affected by this change.

Our clinical faculty who currently serve as department heads, Allison Nealy, Bethany Hamilton-Jones, and George McMahon, have my full and complete support as department heads. I would not have put them in these roles if I did not believe that they are fully capable of executing all aspects of the role with a high degree of excellence. The votes of their faculty colleagues affirm that they see these department heads as highly capable leaders as well.