IES Research Grant Competition in Statistical and Research Methodology in Education applications due Sept. 12

  • Letters of intent deadline (optional but encouraged): Thursday, July 11
  • Application deadline: Thursday, Sept. 12

The National Center for Education Research at IES released a funding announcement for fiscal year 2025 (FY25) for Statistical and Research Methodology in Education (review 84.305D RFA for complete details). This program supports the development of a wide range of methodological and statistical tools that will better enable applied education scientists to conduct rigorous education research. In FY25, IES invites applications under two topics:

  • The Core Grants topic supports the development of new and improved statistical and research methods for use by education researchers and their broad dissemination. These methods are to be user tested by education researchers to ensure their usability, revised as needed, then broadly disseminated through different types of products such as articles in applied education journals, detailed working papers and monographs, workshops, software, and curated data resources.
  • The Toolkits, Guidelines, Compendia, Review Papers, and Curated Data Resources Grants topic supports compiling existing research and information for a given method into products, such as toolkits, guidelines, compendia, review papers, curated data resources, and workshops that help education researchers understand and apply the method. These products are to be user tested by education researchers to ensure their usability, revised as needed, and then broadly disseminated.

All application packages are now available on Please contact the Office of Research and Graduate Education pre-award team members if you are interested in pursuing this opportunity.