From the Dean: Syllabus review

Given heightened sensitivities around freedom of expression, we need to ensure we are communicating expectations and content to students in ways that comport with University System of Georgia policy on academic freedom. Specifically, the policy says:

  • While faculty and students must be encouraged to exercise their rights to academic freedom, they must also understand that, along with those rights comes the responsibility to respect the individuality and beliefs of all. 
  • Students should be provided an environment conducive to learning, be free from faculty or institutional coercion to make personal political or social choices, and be evaluated based on their academic performance, not factors that are irrelevant to that performance such as their personal beliefs.

Because we were found to have syllabi that do not meet this standard, I have been directed to put a process in place beginning with fall 2024 courses to review all course syllabi to ensure compliance with USG’s academic freedom policy. Thus, I have asked each department head to review syllabi for the fall semester before they are released to students in eLC on Tuesday, Aug. 13. Your department head will convey specifics for how this review will be done in each unit.

If you are concerned about language or ideas in your syllabus and whether they comply with the policy, please consult with your department head, associate deans Stacey Neuharth-Pritchett or Ed Delgado-Romero, or me about how to modify language to maintain your intent while complying with policy.

The University has several resources to assist you in developing a robust syllabus. You can consult the College’s back-to-school toolkit for information on syllabus development and to make use of the University’s new syllabus template.

Also, please remember that University policy requires every instructor to post their syllabus to the online syllabus repository. This requirement is a result of an agreement with the Student Government Association to make syllabi available to all students.