From the Office of Research and Graduate Education: Congratulations to recent grant recipients

Collaborative Research: Characterizing and Fostering Playful Mathematics for Undergraduate and High School Learning

  • PI: Amy Ellis, professor, Department of Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education
  • Co-PI: Robert Ely, professor, mathematics and statistical science, University of Idaho
  • Sponsor: National Science Foundation ECR-EDU Core
  • Amount: $804,347

Congratulations to Amy Ellis and her research team for being awarded a National Science Foundation ECR-EDU Core grant. The project will investigate (a) how to meaningfully incorporate playful elements into the foundational secondary and undergraduate mathematics topics of algebra and calculus, and (b) the potential outcomes of “playifying” classroom mathematics for students’ learning and enjoyment. The project will also investigate tasks that can be used for students to explore mathematical ideas such as rates of change, functions, derivatives, and integrals.

View the grant website.

Broadening Participation among Multilingual Learners through High School Teachers’ Professional Learning Experiences in the Instructional Conversation Pedagogy

  • PI: Paula J. Mellom, senior research scientist, Center for Multilingual-Learner Education, Research, and Innovative Teaching (MERIT), Office of Research and Graduate Education
  • Co-PIs: John Mativo, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Workforce Education and Instructional Technology; Rebecca K. Hixon, assistant research scientist, MERIT, Office of Research and Graduate Education
  • Sponsor: National Science Foundation Discovery Research K-12
  • Amount: $449,555

Congratulations to Paula Mellom, John Mativo, and Rebecca Hixon on receiving a National Science Foundation DRK-12 award. This exploratory project will develop and test a model of professional learning for high school teachers in which they learn how to embed the Instructional Conversation pedagogy within standards-aligned scientific and engineering practices.

View the project website.