Register for Research Live webinar on Oct. 31

Sponsored Projects Reporting: Better Tools, Better Outcomes

  • Date: Thursday, Oct. 31
  • Time: 2:30-3:30 p.m.
  • Location: Zoom (register today)
  • Presenters: Jill Tincher, executive director, Sponsored Projects Administration; Cathy Cuppett, director of pre-award, Sponsored Projects Administration; Brad Langford, director of post-award, Sponsored Projects Administration

With input from UGA faculty, the Sponsored Projects Administration continues to create tools to help investigators track and plan spending on their sponsored awards. This session will highlight available sponsored projects reporting tools, along with a sneak preview of what’s upcoming. How much do you have available to spend on your project? What are your proposal, award, and expenditure trends? How is your department trending in proposals, awards, and expenditures? What is the current state of research expenditures? How do you certify payroll? This webinar will cover these topics and more.

Zoom registration is required.