Attend Post Qualitative Inquiry Lecture Series events in February

We have two very special invited scholars joining us on campus Monday, Feb. 10 and Tuesday, Feb. 11 as part of the Post Qualitative Inquiry Lecture Series. You can attend their workshops (one includes dinner!) and lunches with them. They will both also be “on stage” with professor Bettie St. Pierre during her lecture on Monday. We hope to see you at any and/or all of these special events!

We have limited in-person capacity, so please RSVP as soon as you can.

Workshop: Making the Cut: Creating Subjects and Education Dissertations with Deleuze, Foucault, and Related Others

  • Date: Monday, Feb. 10
  • Time: 10 a.m.-noon
  • Location: Oconee County Public Library
  • Facilitator: Jonathan Eakle, George Washington University

Jonathan Eakle is an alumnus in language and literacy education and a visual artist who found his way to curriculum and pedagogy through the arts and Deleuze. Eakle’s recent and current research projects are with major international museums and address affective dimensions of education, creativity, contemporary philosophy, and post-qualitative methods. His most recent articles are about designing and producing novel methodologies and museum projects.

Practices for the “New” in the New Empiricisms, the New Materialisms, and Post Qualitative Inquiry: Bettie St. Pierre’s fifth lecture of the six-lecture Post Qualitative Inquiry Series

  • Date: Monday, Feb. 10
  • Time: 3:30 p.m.
  • Location: Miller Learning Center Room 148

Workshop: Post Qualitative Inquiry as Empirical Philosophy and/or Post- Ethnography of the Multiple Realities of a Phenomenon

  • Date: Tuesday, Feb. 11
  • Time: 4-7:30 p.m.
  • Location: Athens-Clarke County Public Library
  • Facilitator: Hillevi Lenz Taguchi, Stockholm University

Hillevi Lenz Taguchi has a background in literature and is a professor of child and youth studies and early childhood education. Her research interests follow two trajectories: first, a longstanding interest in praxis-based and collaborative work with preschool teachers, children, and their families in preschools to enhance preschool quality and children’s development and learning. Second, a strong interest in philosophy, science theory, and social science methodologies, including feminist new materialisms and post qualitative inquiry.