Early Career Faculty Research Grant applications due Feb. 14

  • Submission deadline: Friday, Feb. 14

The Early Career Faculty Research Grant Program is strongly focused on developing research initiatives of new, tenure-track assistant professors in their first five years of employment in the Mary Frances Early College of Education. Faculty may only receive funding once through this grant program. Please view the request for applications for complete details, instructions, and the selection criteria rubric.

Funding priorities:

  • This “seed money” research grant program aims to assist early career faculty in their endeavors to (1) increase their number of publications in high-quality peer-refereed journals, (2) increase research collaboration, and (3) develop a successful grant application in the future
  • Priority will be given to proposals with a strong orientation toward data acquisition to secure future external funding


  • College tenure-track faculty who began their faculty position on or before August 2023
  • Only one proposal may be submitted by a faculty member per funding cycle

Budget limits and stipulations:

  • A maximum of $8,000 for direct project use is allowable

Please contact Grace Burger for questions about the proposal content, budget, or to review the proposal prior to submission.