Spring Research Live schedule

Research Live is the Office of Research’s monthly webinar series, focused on topics of practical interest to UGA researchers. All events are free and open to anyone in the UGA community.


Sustainability and the Scientific Process: Walking the Walk in University Research

  • Date: Thursday, Jan. 23
  • Time: 2:30-3:30 p.m.
  • Location: Zoom (registration required)
  • Presenters: Star Scott, manager and founder, UGA Sustainable Science and Green Labs; Mark Hunter, dean and Eugene P. Odum Professor, Odum School of Ecology

This edition of Research Live will explore opportunities to redefine what it means to “do good science” by engaging in Sustainable Science and Green Labs practices. Despite the many positive contributions of the global research enterprise, scientific operations have significant social and environmental impacts that require ongoing attention by scientists and their teams. Join us as we explore opportunities to make UGA research more sustainable through the guidance of the Odum School of Ecology and the UGA Green Labs program.

Humanities and Arts as Competitive Difference

  • Date: Thursday, Jan. 30
  • Time: 2:30-3:30 p.m.
  • Location: Zoom (registration required)
  • Presenters: Nicholas Allen, Baldwin Professor in Humanities and director, Willson Center for Humanities & Arts; Mark Callahan, artistic director, UGA Arts Collaborative, and associate academic director, Willson Center for Humanities & Arts; Elizabeth Wright, Distinguished Research Professor of Spanish Literature and associate academic director, Willson Center for Humanities & Arts

The arts and humanities at UGA are engaged across campus in creating competitive difference. Our community engages with federal agencies, private foundations, and philanthropy to support diverse inquiries into all forms of creative thinking and practice, from the arts partnering with mathematics to the humanities with marine science. This conversation will share recent opportunities and innovations, and give a sense of our collective future plans.


A Lab Full of VIPs: Vertically Integrating Your Research Projects

  • Date: Tuesday, Feb. 18
  • Time: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
  • Location: Zoom (registration required)
  • Presenters: Thomas Mote, Distinguished Research Professor of Geography, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, and associate vice president for instruction, Office of Instruction; Art Edison, GRA Eminent Scholar, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, and professor of genetics and biochemistry and molecular biology, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences; Chloe Crump, undergraduate biology major, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

UGA’s Vertically Integrated Projects-Research (VIPR) program is built on a time-tested national model for engaging both undergraduates and graduate students in ambitious, long-term, large-scale, multidisciplinary research projects led by faculty. In this webinar, VIPR leadership and participating faculty and students will talk about the significant benefits of VIPR for participants at all levels, as well as discuss the wide-ranging opportunities at UGA for establishing VIPs in research environments across a variety of disciplines.


Core Strength: Inside UGA’s Core Research Facilities, Part 1

  • Date: Friday, March 14
  • Time: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
  • Location: Zoom (registration required)
  • Presenters: Parastoo Azadi, associate director, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (CCRC) for Service and Training, and executive technical director, CCRC; Carl Bergmann, special advisor to the vice president for research; Carla Hadden, director and research scientist, Center for Applied Isotope Studies; Tina Salguero, academic director, Georgia Electron Microscopy

University of Georgia core research facilities offer a range of services to serve the diverse research needs of faculty and student investigators across a wide range of disciplines. In the first installment of this tour through UGA’s cores, you will hear from the directors of the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center’s Analytical Services and Training unit, the Center for Applied Isotope Studies, and Georgia Electron Microscopy about how they can help get your research moving forward. You’ll also learn about how UGA’s membership in the Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) Core Exchange enables greater sharing of core facilities and equipment across all GRA institutions.


Bridging Connections: Partnerships Supporting Research Data Services at UGA

  • Date: Thursday, April 17
  • Time: 2:30-3:30 p.m.
  • Location: Zoom (registration required)
  • Presenters: Beth Woods, director of research and computational data management, UGA Libraries; Katie Ireland, interim lab coordinator, UGA Libraries; Kellie Templeman, research data management coordinator, UGA Libraries; Meagan Duever, GIS librarian, UGA Libraries

Research and Computational Data Management (RCDM) is a new unit that serves as a one-stop shop for information about research data services at the University of Georgia. The team provides outreach and consultative support to researchers and classes on topics including research data management planning, data analysis and visualization practices, and publishing and digital repository resources. The team has developed partnerships with key groups, both internal and external to the University, to bridge connections across the research community. Join this edition of Research Live to hear examples of current partnerships aimed at improving research data services and discuss potential collaboration opportunities to support UGA’s research needs.


Plumbing the Depths and the Shallows: UGA’s Coastal Research Units

  • Date: Tuesday, May 13
  • Time: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
  • Location: Zoom (registration required)
  • Presenters: Merryl Alber, professor and director, UGA Marine Institute; Clark Alexander, professor and director, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography

The University of Georgia has a long history of research, education, and service on the Georgia coast. Skidaway Institute of Oceanography is an internationally recognized, multidisciplinary research institution that conducts cutting-edge oceanographic research and experiential education in Georgia’s coastal waters and around the world. The UGA Marine Institute on Sapelo Island is a world-renowned field destination for the study of salt marshes and estuaries. This webinar will highlight opportunities at UGA’s coastal research units to advance discoveries in both basic and applied science, to train students at all levels, and to support coastal communities.